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The commercial port of the Urartians: Amik Castle


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EXCLUSIVE NEWS – Amik Castle, located in Van and said to have been built by the Urartians, carries the traces of history from the past to the present with wall inscriptions and surrounding works.

Amik Castle, located 35 km northwest of Van city center, is located in the north of Özyurt Village on the eastern shore of Lake Van. B.C. Amik Castle, which was established by the Urartians for port trade in the 700s, has managed to preserve its existence until today, despite natural disasters and the destruction of treasure hunters. Archaeologist Murat Şen, who gave information about the castle, stated that Van’s name was Tusba during the Urartian period and said, “At that time, Tusba was one of the biggest capitals of the period.” Expressing that Amik Castle is one of the most important legacies of the past, Şen said that Amik Castle is an important structure in terms of Van’s culture.

‘It is possible to stop the destruction’

Pointing out that the destruction to history and ecology is not limited to Amik Castle, Archaeologist Murat Şen pointed out that many historical buildings, especially the Van Lake Basin, were destroyed. Underlining that it is possible to stop the destruction, Şen continued his words as follows: “If the survey and restoration projects are started to be implemented in the castle, starting from today, significant contributions will be made to the city in terms of both historical and academic aspects and tourism in Van.”

While conveying information about the history and importance of the castle, Şen also emphasized its importance in terms of trade. Mentioning that there may be warehouses around the Amik Castle, known as a port castle, and tunnels or passages connecting the castle and Lake Van, Şen explains how the Urartians obtained security.

News / Video: İdris Yılmaz

Video Montage: Zafer Avnaş

Translator: Mehmet Akif Coşkun

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The commercial port of the Urartians: Amik Castle
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