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32 women were murdered in September alone!


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According to the 2023 September Data Report of the We Will Stop Femicide Platform; 32 femicides were committed, 18 women were found dead in suspicious circumstances.

We Will Stop Femicide Platform announced the September 2023 Data Report. According to the report, 32 femicides were committed in September and 18 women were found dead in suspicious circumstances. 12 of the 32 women were murdered under the pretext of wanting to make decisions about their own lives, such as wanting a divorce, refusing to reconcile or marry, 1 was murdered under the pretext of economics, and 3 women were murdered under the pretext of being with the women who were the main target.

Of the 32 women killed in September, 14 were married , 6 were that they were in a relationship with, 2 were that they were previously married to, 1 was an acquaintance, 2 were that she was in a relationship with, 3 were who was a relative of hers, and 1 was she was previously married to. 1 were murdered by his brother and 2 by his son. His relationship with the person who killed 1 woman could not be determined. According to the platform, this month 43 percent of women were killed by the man they were married to.

19 of the women were killed at home, 12 on the street, and 1 in a public place. 59 percent of women killed this month were killed in their homes. 19 of the women killed this month were killed with firearms and 13 with cutting tools. 59 percent of the women killed this month were murdered with a firearm.

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Translator :Akif Coşkun

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32 women were murdered in September alone!
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