HDP için arama sonuçları

Yaklaşık 8 sonuç bulundu.

Arama Sonuçları


HDP MP Danış-Beştaş protests ban on Kurdish music with a Kurdish song at Parliament

HDP Parliamentary Group Deputy Chair Meral Danış-Beştaş held a press conference at the Parliament and talked...


Pollution in Lake Van is increasing: Authorities are indifferent

The pollution of Lake Van, which has not been on the agenda for a long time,...


Green left(YSP) gave a self-criticism in Van

The Green Left Party appeared in front of the press in Van and stated that they...


Reaction to Soylu’s trustee statement: Soylu cut the bill to Erdoğan!

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said, “Erdogan called me, ‘I am uncomfortable with HDP municipalities’,” regarding the...


Magnificent festival from ŞanoWan: Festival dedicated to Amini

The 3rd Theater Festival, organized by ŞanoWan, started with halay and zılgıt. The festival was dedicated...


Endless bans in Van: The city is now governed by arbitrary bans!

While the bans that did not end in Van continued for 6 years, it was claimed...


Shooting of refugees in Van moved to parliamentary agenda

HDP supporter Tayip Temel requested the establishment of a parliamentary investigation commission to investigate the armed...


‘Government disregards children’s rights in Turkey’

HDP MP Kaçmaz says that “it would be a dream to expect political power holders to...

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