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Women harvest the crops in fields where machines cannot enter


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In Muş, chickpeas are harvested by women in the fields where agricultural machinery cannot enter due to the land structure.

The harvest season of chickpeas planted in the spring in the plains and mountainous lands of Muş has begun. Farmers who harvest the products in the plains with agricultural machines are also trying to collect chickpeas in the fields where the machines do not enter, with human power. The female workers employed for this purpose harvest chickpeas in the fields where they come at the first light of the day, despite the hot weather.

Women harvest the crops in fields where machines cannot enter - AA 20230807 31866664 31866659 TARIM MAKINELERININ GIREMEDIGI TARLALARDAKI NOHUTLARI KADIN ISCILER TOPLUYOR 1024x678 1

Belkıs Çetin, one of the women, told the AA correspondent that they worked in the fields until the evening to earn their living. Explaining that it is difficult to work under the sun, Çetin said, “Sometimes our hands get injured because we collect chickpeas by hand in steep-slope fields where construction machines cannot enter. “We strive for our children,” she said.

Women harvest the crops in fields where machines cannot enter - AA 20230807 31866664 31866658 TARIM MAKINELERININ GIREMEDIGI TARLALARDAKI NOHUTLARI KADIN ISCILER TOPLUYOR 1024x678 1

Fatma Altun, one of the workers who said that she works in the field to contribute to the family budget, also stated that they collect chickpeas by hand in the scorching heat to earn their living.

Women harvest the crops in fields where machines cannot enter - AA 20230807 31866664 31866656 TARIM MAKINELERININ GIREMEDIGI TARLALARDAKI NOHUTLARI KADIN ISCILER TOPLUYOR 1024x678 1

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Translator :Akif Coşkun

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Women harvest the crops in fields where machines cannot enter
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